Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Mystical MANA of Obama

From Dummie Funnies:

"Does Obama have MANA???" I thought it was referring to Biblical manna as "Manna from heaven." However this mana being being referred to is the mystical Polynesian Mana which gives him supernatural power. You think I'm kidding. Look at this thread that worships the mystical power of MANA that Obama has according to those deists over at Democratic Underground.

If this weren't so sad it would be funny. Or as Julie wants us to say.....

God Help Us
. Or in Democrat talk, that would be Obama Help Us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey dont post this...

Whats your email now? Dont have a clue. I remember you sending it out a few weeks ago but it got erased.