Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Why do I have a sinking feeling that President Obama doesn't have a clue on North Korea?

North Korea seems to be thumbing his nose at the western world since it has nearly no leadership in place willing to deal with them.

They blow off nukes, fire up forbidden nuke plants and shoot multiple missiles in the air.

If we had someone in charge who had a clue and a spine we would be dealing with this. We don't.

This is sad.


Anonymous said...

What do you think should be done by the U.S. and the president?

Gene said...

Demonstrate resolve, not conversation. Look at what the Russians did today. They said that if North Korea kept it up, it would lead to nuclear war.

Will it? Won't it? But, with Russia, North Korea thinks it might.

With us, the USA, we have nothing. We are toothless and spineless. Paper kitty cat.

Obama believes in magic. Sorry pal, this don't doesn't hunt or cause the bad guy to back off.