Monday, June 29, 2009

Best Ever Sermon by Pastor Phil Ressler

I was proud of how well he did. He will post it and when he does I will link to it.

Here are a few notes and a few reflections on what he said. I would give you all the context but then you wouldn't listen to it.

There are benefits that can come from the pain of recession. It uncovers hidden sin that can lead to repentance: Sins that made me go OUCH - impatience, self reliance, wasteful living, dependence on THINGS, fearfulness, grumbling, murmuring and injustice. (My reflection, when you are squeezed by life whatever is in you will come out).

When we experience financial difficulty it opens our eyes to the plight of others. When we have prosperity we can become hardened to people in need and how difficult they have it. (my reflection - this is true of people who are happy, people who are healthy, people who are prosperous. When we are in one state we may not be compassionate with people who are NOT as we are. Healing is one such, if we are well it makes ministering healing less)

The idea that things are going to get back to normal, things are going to get better, things are going to improve soon that this difficulty will all be over soon as you hear in the news media is a uniquely AMERICAN ideal. People in some countries are so desperate and poor they don't' even THINK about things getting better soon. They just want to find something to eat, a place to stay out of the sun and clean water to drink just for today.

God USES recession and difficulty to release faith for the future. The fastest growing churches are in areas where people are in the most difficulty. God may be starting a revolution by starving us all out. We prayed for revival. This may be God's way. We can get on board or keep complaining.

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