Saturday, July 18, 2009

The divergence widens

It is said that if two parallel lines are not parallel as little as an inch in a thousand miles, something you would only see from a distance and indiscernible close up, that in a hundred years there would be miles between them and that the divergence would accelerate.

That has been happening in the church, within denominations, within church bodies, within organizations. In nearly every single group there are divergent supposed parallel ideals and goals.

The reality is God by his Holy Spirit is placing a non parallel component in people and thus in those groups. He is the factor that is causing splits and divergence. The traditions of men are failing. Holy Spirit is weaning off believers from things that the church has tried to glue onto believers.

As the shackles are being shaken off there are splits taking place. I know some mourn for these events. Why couldn't the Catholic, Reformed, Lutheran, UPC, AG, Anglican Episcopal and LDS fellowships have stayed together? God says, I will see to it you will have no other Gods before me, none. That includes your sacred cow gods. Artificial impositions.

Get to know the God of the Bible before you start trying to cause people to live according to his book. Introduce them to the author FIRST and then to the book. Must of the church is busy trying to get them to the book before they get them to the God of the Book.

And Church Splits happen.

It is God at work, dewrinkling, despotting his bride.

Evenso, come Lord Jesus

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