Thursday, July 30, 2009

Truth can be so Persistant

I always get a lot of "heat" when I enter the arena of questions surrounding the concept of If or If not Barack Obama is a Natural Born Citizen of the USA. I mean, born in the USA. Is he or not? If he is not, he is not constitutionally qualified to be President of the USA even if he is a citizen.

Why this persists is beyond me, UNLESS, there is some truth to it all. I don't keep beating this horse to death. Many others do.

The disdain with which BHO's surrounders dismiss this makes it even MORE suspect. Why?

Then you get a story like this. All of the Birth Certificates of all of the people who were born on in the same week in the same hospital are available on microfilm right now. BHO's is numbered differently in the certificate of live birth we have been presented. Like it was Made Up. Perhaps it was.

Why isn't the actual copy from microfilm available to the public? With the name of the attending Physician. I have a copy of who the attending Physician was when I was born and I'm MUCH older than BHO.

It's on microfilm.

So, let's see, if BHO's actual certificate is "Missing", if it's numbered Differently. Isn't there some legitimate reason to question this whole thing? I wonder.

The longer this drip drip drip's on, the more suspect it gets. Why doesn't BHO just come clean on this?

UNLESS - There's some persistent truth that will cause all the cards in his house to fall.


Anonymous said...

The presidency of Obama is illegitimate.
It is very much like the Supreme Court ruling on Roe vs Wade. Bernard Nathanson has long since confessed to his participation in deception before the Justices.

What you may find painfully frustrating is the sheer numbers of Americans who do not thirst for truth much less righteousness.

Anonymous said...

Yup. I agree. I'm not a 'birther' but this gets more suspicious as long as they don't release a copy of the true certificate to the media. Release it and the controversy will die - immediately.

Jeanne Dixon and other psychic/new world order believers claimed their Pharaoh (our Antichrist perhaps) who will unite all religions will have been born on Feb 5 1962. Obama is supposed to be born on Aug 4 1961. Maybe the problem is the actual date on the birth cert might align to THAT other date so that's why they won't release it?? It's a thought anyway...

Anonymous said...

you are so obsessed with this "wasting time trying to come up with ligitimate birth theory. GIVE IT A REST. No one cares!

Anonymous said...

it persists not because there is something to it but because your side is so desparate for power. can't win an election with your lying geezer and his fake feminist so you try to discredit the real winner by coming up with ever more lame variations of the lame variations. why don't you work on straightening out your party and getting it back to its roots and finding good candidates instead of clinging to this like hungry dogs to a chew toy.