Saturday, October 24, 2009

A list of honor killings by Muslims

I'm sure you know what Honor Killings are. Family members killing their children (mostly) because of some "Dishonor" brought upon the family. Usually for dating a boy who wasn't approved or for "western ways".

There isn't much press on this. It happens all the time. More in Europe and Canada. But in the USA too.

A little girl who became christian has been sent home by a judge in Florida to a Muslim father who will most likely kill her. This has been a cause celeb.

There is much to know about this. But, if you look at the long list and pictures of women who have been "Honor Killed" by Muslims, you will get a flavor of how bad this can be.

Sharia law and Islam is a cruel and evil thing.


Anonymous said...

Where's the outcry from the lib press when these honor killings happen? Do they call on Muslim leaders to reexamine their theological underpinnings and history? What about hate crimes legislation being applied to such honor killings?

Geoffrey Dennis said...

You don't see the stories because you don't want to. The "liberal" press reports these stories all the time. I know it will burn your eyes, but look at Huffington Post, where reporting on honor killings is a constant.