Tuesday, November 24, 2009

This Time it will be Different------The view from Chicagoland

The mood swing among the voters that decide each and every national election…the ones that get short shrift by the shrill screechings of the extremists that hold the reins of the two national parties each and every time are changing.

Yes, there IS a “throw the bums out, bring in the new bums” cyclical nature to our national elections. The two major parties are a cockroach motel where reason checks in, but never checks out…(only through their own separate doors).

Extremism is a huge turnoff to the LARGEST bloc of voters in this country. And yes, it is prevalent, pervasive, and predictable on BOTH sides of the aisle.

However, there is a special noxious brand of extremism that wafts up from the left side of the spectrum. It is tinged with self-loathing for America and all manner of Americana, it is disrespectful and disloyal to her ideals, it demonizes her at every turn and it sullies her reputation with half-truths, distortions and outright lies daily at home…and worse, in bowing and scraping to our enemies abroad.

It fraudulently sets up “blame carnivals”, which moves its tents from world city to world city, with barkers on the prowl claiming that passersby can see something they have never seen before…whereupon they produce a freak show of faux epic proportions, for the world to gawk at, point and snicker. The traitors in our midst set us up for ridicule and scorn…and apologize for our very existence. It’s a cottage industry of sedition, slander and supplication.

Mix in Chicago, where West Madison Street was known as “the street of broken dreams”, littered with a sea of buildings and humanity in various stages of decay, drug dens, and depravity. It was a hard scrabble existence, fighting for a way out. But at least it was fighting.

But, that great city with all its broad shouldered magnificence has been hurled upon a national stage with a spotlight on its festering boil and its largest wart. Its politics. LaSalle Street is the street of broken promises.

Watching the power move around the room, clout being thrown back and forth like a game of soft toss…and watching truth, honor, integrity, loyalty, …disappear like a sleight of hand magic trick. And, the fighting against it stopped…years ago. Died with Royko. You can’t fight City Hall. They owned the “facts” and you were an outsider if you wanted the truth.

We all know you can fool some of the people, all of the time. And when you own the mode of communication in which the vast numbers of them get their “facts”, you can continue to fool them. Almost forever. The New Big Lie is de rigeur for the statists and their propaganda machine. When people stop fighting for the truth, the truth itself dies. It died in Chicago, and it is dying in America. So it goes, right? Grin and bear it. It’s part of the game, correct?

Barack Obama said, This time it will be different…this time something was different.

But THIS promise, THIS duplicity, THIS disappointment…is particularly galling to the “real” middle, because they got played. And then they got dissed.

The folks who decide EVERY national election in this country are used to being lied to, told things that they know are never going to happen, that national politicians will act in their own self interests and that it will be “business as usual” in that fever swamp they call Washinton D.C.

So being lied to is not only understood, it is anticipated.

THIS time, it was going to be different, however. A very different look, a very different feel, a very different approach, a very different set of words, a very different style, a very different angle…produced the same crappy results. A bunch of liars with better props, better special effects, stagehands, better packaging, a neater logo, a catchy slogan…and New Coke inside.

We got set up for Gone With The Wind and got Howard the Duck instead.

So, the fall is further, harder…bruises more. There are arrogant prigs and extremists who will say they “knew” all along that this was going to be the case. They need to get over themselves. No, they didn’t. Nobody “knew” what we were getting…because the vetting was nearly invisible…and completely unavailable. Many brilliant people FEARED what might come to pass and pointed at all the signs and signals, alerting others to the POTENTIAL dangers. But nobody knew.

Information was in short supply. Rationed. Meted out in small doses, scrubbed and filtered and sanitized for mass consumption by our corrupt entrenched media. Flaws and frailties and faux pas were slathered in white out.

But, even AFTER the election…and certainly during the campaign…the open-minded, wait and see, maybe this time…center…REPEATEDLY got the back of the hand of this administration. This is a closed club and if you are not a nanny statist, you are not welcome inside the blame carnival tent. And you will be smeared and slandered, ignored and derided, just like everyone else. And pickpocketed to boot.

Well, the jugglers are now no longer tossing pins in the air three, four at a time…they are juggling chainsaws. The economy, jobs, Mideast, al Qaeda, Russia, Iran, …and EVERY answer in the blame carnival is the same. “Let me put my hands in your pockets”. “YOU are somebody for whom I’M going to apologize.” “You bitter clinger, you”.

This time it was supposed to be different. And, you know …it is.

“God DAMN America”.


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