Saturday, January 23, 2010

The whole Glaciers Disappearing thing is totally bogus just like all the crackpot science of the left

I call left wing science "Pixie Dust" Theories. None of them are based in science or competent economics. Wind farms, Human Caused global warming,Hybrid cars, Fuel Cells, and now the last one thrown in my face has fallen like all the others.

Glaciers are not melting any faster than they ever did.
Sure they are melting but it has to do with cyclical change, nothing to do with global warming.

I would expect thanks for straightening everyone out on this fallacy, but I don't guess I'll wait up.

That's the problem with Pixie dust. If you are a true believer you think it's real. You think if you just sprinkled a little on your car you could drive forever on a tank of gas.


You just have a dusty car. Those theories are just hot air meant to manipulate and control easily deceived humans. Sad isn't it.

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