Monday, April 05, 2010

Why electing an acedemic to become President was such a mistake

Even Ed Koch, former NYC mayor (D) regrets voting for and supporting Obama.

He is a catastrophe.

Victor David Hansen writes of this:

A Postmodern Presidency - A Pretentious Word for a World Without Rules

Given thirty years of postmodern relativism in our universities, we were bound to get a postmodern president at some point.

Postmodernism is a fancy word — in terms of culture, nihilist; in terms of politics, an equality of result and the ends justifying the means — that a lot of people throw around to describe the present world of presumed wisdom that evolved in the last part of the 20th century.

Read the Whole Thing...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

postmodernism and its relativism-philosophy and practice in morals is the plague that infects the church as well as the public. It also affects our court system.
The ten commandments will not budge? . . . Most people have nudged them off the moral shelf and left themselves in a "tohu vabohu". People need a recreated heart, soul and mind.. . . .h.a.h.