Tuesday, August 17, 2010

A Humble Proposal

FOR ONE YEAR, let's have church, conferences, crusades, healing services and teaching on TV conducted ONLY by people who do not take ONE THIN DIME for what they do, not even for expenses. Make Tents. Give all the people who make their living off the Gospel the year off. Send them on a full year's sabbatical, unpaid of course. IF you turn on Christian TV, it's Joe Blow, full of the Holy Ghost and Power, preaching unpaid. Next Conference, it's Jane Doe woman of God prophesying. No "love" offerings are ever taken for anyone. None are needed.

There is a box where you can give but ALL the money would be given to the poor. ALL OF IT. What if we really did this? Do you think the body of Christ would be weaker or more powerful after one year? Fewer or more salivations? More or fewer healings? Have we so commercialized the Gospel that the earning of a living from it has become the end and not the means? IF you or I knew that it all depended on ME or YOU to build the kingdom, would we, maybe better? Do you really think there would be any shortage at all for people willing and capable to take the platform and do as well or perhaps better?

How did the idea of Christian Professionals come about in the first place? I don't see that much in that big black book I carry around. Yes Oxen and all, but not telethons with PAUL screaming into the TV camera promising a hundred fold return if you send in 37 dollars. How sad we all are. No wonder God holds back revival in the USA. It must make Him Sick. It does me and I have Him living in me and me in HIM.

The worse is, if this worked as well as I think it will, we would have produced a whole new crop of people with addictions to prominence on an already crowded platform.

What a travesty we all are. It wasn't supposed to be like this.

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