Saturday, September 17, 2011

If you had an efficacious treatment for cancer, it worked every time it was tried, you could go to cancer wards and clean them out of sick people, what would you do? Try to get the institutional approvals from the Cancer Industry or just start curing people and hoping the world would catch on. If you had a cure for cancer, would you survive a week before being incarcerated or assassinated? Sometimes my conspiracy itch manifests.

1 comment:

Anonymous1 said...

Cancer should be rather easy. The immune system is not cleaning out the bad cells properly, and they spread like wildfire as a result. I am not that confident the medical industry will find "the cure".

They still in this day and age wrinkle their noses at chiropractic care. My father for example was a championship wrestler at the collegiate level many years ago. In addition to that, he worked hard labor at his father's farm and his own for most of his life. His back has a few kinks as a result. The medical (MD) route would have involved a bunch of addictive pills and eventually expensive surgury to cut apart his body and fuse his problem vertabrae. Instead of that dead end, he chose to use a chiropractor as needed. The result is that even when he was in his seventies, he could cut a couple loads of firewood a day, loaded, unloaded, and stacked. Find a person that chose the medical (MD) route to do that in their seventies. The problem with the medical industry is they have rather closed minds. If it is a chemical, use it. If it is a natural substance, shun it. If a problem can be solved by simple manual manipulation, it is considered quackery, despite shining examples like my father's.

The current cancer treatment is rather harsh. Shoot a bunch of radiation at your body. The cancer dies, but so does your body. Fill your body full of toxic chemicals and poisons. One of the poisons sometimes necessary is coumadin (warfarin or rat poison to all you farm boys out there). They have the net effect of starving your body. I've always wondered if a cancer patient were to stop eating for a period of time, if that alone would be enough to starve the cancer cells into remission. Maybe it is just that simple. A chemo/rad patient is being starved along with all the other side affects. Maybe it is the starvation process, not the chemo itself that chases the cancer away. An example that comes to mind for cancer treatment by simple starvation would be Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. He was with certainty being starved in a concentration camp setting of the Soviet Union. He had some treatment, which likely would have consisted of crude and primitive surgery, if that. Not to take away from God or the power of Alex's prayers, but perhaps the miracle God sent him was starvation which sent the cancer into remission. The way it was described to have spread, he probably shouldn't have survived.

Everyone has to make their own decisions. I do know of someone who had terminal pancreatic cancer who tried a strict unprocessed fruit diet as a last ditch effort to cure. It didn't work. I know plenty of people who went the chemo/rad route who sent their cancer into remission. I also knew plenty of people who went the chemo/rad route who are no longer with us. Again, it comes down to immune system. What could you do right now before cancer to boost it?