Friday, December 09, 2011

I heard this call live. This Jamaican woman comes here, penniless, carves out a life, and education and a business at which she is prospering. She hates what this country is becoming. She talks with a thick Jamaican accent. She talks of the challenge of being Black in America. YET..she is making it. I think she has a tale to share if we will hear it. More and more I hear people from other countries saying that America is becoming a police state, is no longer free, is drifting quickly into socialism or even Marxism. Will we hear them?
Scroll down for the video. Sometimes, it takes an outsider — an immigrant to this country — to explain why America is so exceptional and to point out how this great nation, which has been a beacon for people all over the world, is facing decline. That was the case Wednesday when Rush Limbaugh took [...

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