Los Angeles has just passed an intolerable speech on the radio law. If you are considered intolerable, you can be fined or jailed. This is really going to lead to a shut up Rush Limbaugh effort. BUT, someday it will be a shut up your favorite radio or TV commentator. In France, the government is considering monitoring the websites you visit and if you frequent what they consider extremist websites they will fine or jail you. This is about tracking Muslims. But on the slippery slope is your favorite site, christian or pagan, right or left wing, or The ROOT. A guy in MN was just ticketed for yelling at his cat. Minnesota is a harbinger of the police state to come. A new law makes it illegal for you to yell at your congressman or senator or the President if you have a complaint. People have already been arrested and jailed for this. We are seeing the end of free speech in the world. There may no turning back. Our governments are out of control. Weren't they supposed to be public EMPLOYEES? They work for US? AND, you are paying for a nice little European foray flying first class to Belgium for your employees.

CHICAGO — Gov. Pat Quinn says he's traveling to Belgium next week as Illinois' "exporter in chief."
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