Saturday, May 12, 2012

Don't let the whole dust up over Gay Marriage take your eyes off the real situation. Economy on the skids, unemployment that won't quit, new business formation is drifting, high priced gasoline, international fumbling with China, socialist trending, Pro Choice embrace of abortion, nanny state laws like Obamacare and an administration that believes he is king of the world. The President just said that the Military fights ON HIS BEHALF...that's sounds like a king, not a president. My argument with Obama is more about how he governs and where he is taking us and not his stand on Sex.
The debate over same sex “marriage” has engaged the heartfelt feelings and convictions of millions of Americans. Then there is Barack Obama.

1 comment:

Fallout said...

There is no doubt in my mind that Obama sees himself differently than all preceding presidents. In his mind the government revolves around him and he will dictate what is best for the folks.
We now see that the power of the presidency has driven him to say that the troops are fighting on his behalf. One can only imagine what he would "evolve" into and what he would do with 4 more years.