Monday, September 17, 2012

1 comment:

margaret said...

This is what Kevin DuJan of is hearing in Chicago among a powerful African-American group he meets with. They say that a lot of African-Amerians will NOT vote anything but Democrat. However they don't like Obama's stand on same-sex marriage and that they see he hasn't done much for them so they intend to NOT vote at all.

If this is true, this will drop the African-American votes in major swing states. With the perceived lack of enthusiasm seen among the youth voters for Obama, this could definitely change the election outcome.

My sense is that this could all be true. Notice Obama is not spending every Sunday behind the pulpit of an African-American church like he did in 2008. Does he assume they will vote for him in the same huge way as 2008 or has he got an inkling that many might not vote at all??