Tuesday, December 25, 2012


I'm Pretty Nervous about this whole Christmas thing.  I mean who IS this guy they talk about and why should we be excited about his visit?

1. He sees us when we are sleeping - he has hidden cameras in our bedrooms?
2. He knows when we're awake - he is stalking us during the daytime?
3. He knows when we've been bad or good, is that a result of bedroom peeping?
4. He likes little kids to sit on his lap, which makes him jolly.
5. He is a misogynist, he calls women double Ho's.
6. He breaks into our houses at nights (burglary?), at least forced entry.
7. What else is he doing in our houses late at night, anyone count the silverware.
8. He hates kids, he doesn't approve of crying.
9. What standard does he use for bad or good, would we agree.

This fellow has serious problems and if people find out what he's doing, they will have him arrested, get him counseling.... just saying ...YOU BETTER WATCH OUT and NO SHOUTING

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