Sunday, January 20, 2013

run with the big dogs, learn to lift your leg

I work with and as a consultant for executives in large banks who make $2-300,000 per year. I see a lot of criticism about the kind of money these people make. The CEOs that make millions. GUESS WHAT...they are worth it. They have a work ethic and intelligence that dwarfs my own. I'm a peanut. I have specific knowledge, but not what they possess. PLUS, there are no vacation days, no days off, no nights that are not interrupt-able. They are on call and on the job 24/7/365. I have learned that if you are going to run with the big dogs, you have to learn to lift your leg. Most people that complain about not getting big money wouldn't pay the price to prepare themselves or work hard enough to get where they are. When I got back from church this PM I had a half dozen emails on my computer, spread sheets, analysis. Lots of it. I didn't say, GOSH GUYS, today is Sunday, tomorrow is MLK day. I can't work. There is a reason people are paid the big bucks. Don't resent them. You can too if you prepare and if you will pay the price. Otherwise...don't complain.

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