Saturday, January 12, 2013

The High Price of Porn

I remember reading Think and Grow Rich years ago.  Chapter 11 had to do with the Transmutation of Sexual Power. 

It had a great impact on me in my 20s.  It has turned out to be true in my observations.

I have thought about how the whole lifestyle freedom thing really did damage to our culture starting in the late 60s.  Now people are trying to do business.  It's not working well.   This article is sobering.

The issue for me is chicken or egg.  Did sex addiction and freedom lifestyles lead to economic depression or did it happen the other way round?   This article questions that as well.

I keep thinking that Napolean Hill wrote the book Think and Grow Rich in 1937.. a paralell in time to where we are now.  Perhaps he was trying to unmask what was going on then.  People's sexual problems were keeping them from achievement. It's no different today.

When a person engages their sexual addiction, they feel worse, weakened, defeated, uncreative, tired and unmotivated.  In the movie, Idiocracy, there is a scene where in the USA of the future with totally depravity, someone tries to contact a person and he says, "Go away, batin".  

I wonder how close we are to that right now...?

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