Thursday, January 09, 2014

I think many of our laws attempting to "Protect" children from working are flawed.

 Of people I know who are successful in life there is a corollary. The younger a person begins working for money, the more successful they become in life. A child working in his or her families restaurant, farm, store or even chores will create the equation that work equals money. That is a lifelong impression and that takes away all ideas of money for nothing and chicks for free. Show me a kid making real money at 13 and one who doesn't begin earning real money at 18 and fast forward 30 years and it's not hard to build the case that a young man or woman earning money earlier will be more successful in life's economy. I wonder sometimes if there isn't almost a strategy to keep kids from working to create a dependency class. I worry about mandatory education and the push for higher education. Not that I am against such, but not everyone can or should go to college. Some should work. Or learn to work. 16 or 18 might be too late.

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