Thursday, March 27, 2014

Time to stop what doesn't work....

Our economy relies on innovation but our schools are failing to cultivate it. In fact in many ways public education does all it can to stamp it out., I was just talking to Ace Fourg-grafx AKA Aaron Randall about this, and the true crisis it is in the community who really needs to develop this in the Chicagoland region. The CPS has crushed any sense of innovation out of the spirits of children who might have become wealthy employers of others. We need to stop inspiring people to become business owners, and start to give them the tools. The truth is only 50 of a thousand people are hard wired to become successful business entrepreneurs, but if you have a church of a thousand, there are 50 there.

I attended my 50th HS reunion. 33 of us graduated from that small school that year (63), Of those only 5 of us ever went into business on our own. That is a very sad commentary on our education and entrepreneurship motivations. IF we don't get this back we will end up subservient to the rest of the world (Asia, India and Russia) where people are doing this.

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