Tuesday, December 08, 2015

25 things we need to recognize about refugees

  1. There is a difference between the right of Americans to freely travel between states and the right of foreigners to enter the United States.
  1. There is a difference between open borders and no borders.
  1. There is a difference between unrestricted immigration and open borders.
  1. There is a difference between a free state and a welfare state.
  1. There is a difference between admitting refugees and subsidizing the admittance of refugees.
  1. There is a difference between government-facilitated immigration and government-controlled immigration.
  1. There is a difference between the government allowing refugees to enter the United States and the government transporting refugees to the United States.
  1. There is a difference between working immigrants and welfare immigrants.
  1. There is a difference between a “natural born citizen” and an “anchor baby.”
  1. There is a difference between “birthright citizenship” and “maternity tourism.”
  1. There is a difference between an immigrant and an illegal immigrant.
  1. There is a difference between the government welcoming refugees and the government resettling refugees.
  1. There is a difference between private relief efforts and government relief efforts.
  1. There is a difference between suspicion and hatred.
  1. There is a difference between profiling and persecuting.
  1. There is a difference between building a fence to keep people out and a building fence to keep people in.
  1. There is a difference between inviting immigrants and recruiting immigrants.
  1. There is a difference between being a guest and being a trespasser.
  1. There is a difference between discrimination and xenophobia.
  1. There is a difference between assimilated immigrants and alienated immigrants.
  1. There is a difference between privately-funded immigration and taxpayer-funded immigration.
  1. There is a difference between the United States giving sanctuary to refugees and the United States opening facilities overseas to process refugees.
  1. There is a difference between the U.S. government limiting the number of refugees its accepts and the U.S. government refusing to grant asylum to Jewish refugees on the St. Louis in 1939.
  1. There is a difference between the private, voluntary acceptance of refugees and the taxpayer-funded Office of Refugee Resettlement.
  1. There is a difference between free immigration and forced immigration.

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