Monday, April 04, 2016


.. if you don't agree with the theology of climate change, burned at the stake or off with your head:
Beginning in 1478, the Spanish Inquisition systematically silenced any citizen who held views that did not align with the king’s. Using the powerful arm of the government, the grand inquisitor, Tomas de Torquemada, and his henchmen sought out all those who held religious, scientific, or moral views that conflicted with the monarch’s, punishing the “heretics” with jail sentences, property confiscation, fines, and in severe cases, torture, and execution.
One of the lasting results of the Spanish Inquisition was a stifling of speech, thought, and scientific debate throughout Spain. By treating one set of scientific views as absolute, infallible, and above critique, Spain silenced many brilliant individuals and stopped the development of new ideas and technological innovations. Spain became a scientific backwater.
As an old adage says, those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. So we now have a new inquisition underway in America in the 21st century—something that would have seemed unimaginable not too long ago.
The inquisitors are threatening legal action and huge fines against anyone who declines to believe in an unproven scientific theory.The inquisitors are threatening…

1 comment:

Fallout said...

Probably most all have ties with either the Bilderberg Group, Council on Foreign Relations, International Monetary Fund and/or United Nations.