Thursday, April 02, 2020

Perspective on the forecast Death Count

If we believe, as I do that about 200,000 people in the USA will die of the pandemic this year, it is important to understand what that means.

The population of the USA is 329,000,000 and 200,000 die, that is a percentage of casualty per population of .06%.

That means:

North Dakota with a population of 760,077 will at that percentage suffer 456 deaths

Illinois with a population of 12,700,000 will suffer 7644

Minnesota with a population of 5,611,000  will suffer 3366

I offer this not as a warning but as perspective.  You will want to see how the exponential increase will accumulate in the next 20 days.
The question that must be asked is, is the price being paid in our economy and it's destruction will be worth the facts.  I'm not ghoulish, I just ask.  These are tragic figures.. but a deep deathly depression is not an worthy price in my opinion.

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