Saturday, March 19, 2005

"I'll Pray for you" and other LIES

I read Betsy Hart's Sunday Sun Times editorial on the opinion page Sunday March 20. Here's the same article in another newspaper.,1983,KNS_350_3629374_ARTICLE-DETAIL-PRINT,00.html

She shared something that has been bugging me for years. I believe it's akin to taking the Lords Name in Vain. Maybe not but close.

How many time have you heard celebrities and newscasters say "Our Prayers are with you". It's become so rampant that people you know aren't ever on their knees lifting people up before God are using it like "have a nice day". My late friend Pastor Dan Rothwell in Fargo used to strongly advise that if you say you are going to pray for someone that you do it. There were people in that church that if they said they were going to pray for you they did. You know because they had a little black book they wrote your prayer request in. They meant what they said. I wanted to be in their little black book. They did what they said.

PLEASE: If you aren't really going to pray for someone, don't promise or offer to do so. You are making a vow before God you aren't going to keep.

There is another aggravation in this area which is an offshoot of this. I have people I know who like to take credit for the work of God. It goes something like this,

ME "I was struggling with the flu but I'm better now". THEM "I was praying for you".

ME: "I go all my bills paid this month bless God". THEM "Halelujah, I've been praying for you".

ME: "My mom was really sick but she got well" THEM "We've been praying for your mother".

I don't believe them. I can't understand why they have to piggyback
on the mercy of God seeking undeserved glory or credit. I think they are playing a dangerous game.

Do I want people to pray for me? Do I want others to pray for my friends and relatives? YEP. I just hate the self aggrandizement which come with "I've been praying for you". It's funny, I never hear this when I don't have a good report. I guess prayer credit only counts when you are over the top. "Don't bother me with praying THRU with you". Success has many fathers, failure is an orphan.

I love the whole Body of Christ. I just which it would lose some flesh.

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