Thursday, April 28, 2005

Extra Extra, Stop the Presses, Men and Women are Different

About every few months some magazine or newspaper will print an article proclaiming "Men and Women are different". I subscribe to Scientific American (something I got with frequent flyer miles) I was privileged to read the latest pronouncement in this area. Men and Women's brains are different. Wow, who'd a Thunk it!

Now, I have lived long enough to have heard all the enculturization and genetic arguments. I just know that if you get little boys together they make guns from sticks and make motor sounds driving a rock over the ground. If you get little girls together they build or make things, they talk (all at the same time) and they play "nice" or fight. They Play act. They are boys and girls from conception.

So whenever I see or hear of one of these studies which are presented as if they just discovered that in fact the moon is made of green cheese I am amused. I guess it keeps researchers in research money to continue to prove what the Bible and history has taught us from the very beginning. God created man and women. That's two different things. I have been married to a wonderful woman for nearly 40 years and still know she is cat I am dog, Mars / Venus, apple / orange, coffee / tea, et al. Viva la difference.

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