Thursday, April 28, 2005

Sci Fi Sickness = 42

For most of my life I have been a science fiction nut. I belonged to the official nerd conclave, the Science Fiction Book Club as a pre teen. Every month I received 3 tomes. Read them with passion. I have many many of these yet. Even today, I virtually never read fiction except science fiction. I read only non fiction and things which look like non fiction but might be. I mean space aliens among us today is non fiction, right, right??

So it is with a great deal of pleasure that the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy is coming out. I have read very little about it. I was a fan of the old BBC series in the 70s on Public Television. I have been a towel head since. Arthur Dent always wore a long scarf and Ford Prefect used a towel to ward off all kinds of evil.

But the most fun has been 42. Don't read this further if you don't want the plot given away.

Ok you're not reading this, good. The answer to life, reason and everything is 42. That would be funny except for the fact that it may be non fiction. Maybe in fact the answer to life is in fact 42. Consider these links and ponder. I know you have more weighty things to exercise your brain on, but this is really fun if you are a genuine nerd. If you aren't, never mind.
The meaning to life

The universe and everything
The Real 42

PS: The statue of Liberty's outstretched arm is 42 feet long.
42 a few more

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