Wednesday, December 20, 2006

What is happening end of Feb??

Hearing from God regarding 2006 in late Dec of 2005, many things were spoken by the spirit responding to the zeitgeist of the times. There was a lot of fear among people, even christians, at the end of 2005. We forget what things were like at the end of 2005. Katrina had just happened. Things were very uncertain. Fear was in the air. Here are some areas where the Lord wanted at that time to allay or help get perspective. In fact, the beginning of the prophetic spoke most about fear and reaction to fear. You can read it for yourself.

We had just come off the biggest hurricane season in years. Predictions abounded that because of global warming we would have more hurricanes in 2006. God said no. He did say however that we would have other radical weather. Most tornadoes in history, flooding, and rainfall. His word was intended to get those with ears to hear off the pronouncements of Man and on to what God says. Are there yet earthquakes?

Men’s hearts have been failing them for fear, even in the Church, about bird flu.
If you don’t remember this you should. I was one who in the flesh believed we were all gonna die. We didn’t. There were some minor outbreaks here and there. A couple hundred die. But, this was an important reassurance for Father to give us.

God cares about the culture in which we live. He speaks against the areas where our culture is out of line. He judges those things that must be judged.

My judgment will come against corrupt media in 2006
Many people were confused and discouraged by the dominance of mainstream media at the end of 2005 and on the opinions of others. God wanted to tell us he would do what needed to be done. That’s called RESTING in God. He did and will

In 2006 I will initiate the beginnings of an educational implosion.
There were more articles, news programs, news stories, exposé’s of the corrupt public school system in 2006 than ever before. At the end of 2005 many were dissatisfied. Now in revolt.

People have given up on cities.
That was a headline at the end of 2005. But, God wanted to reassure his people that he doesn’t forget or condemn. Cities are becoming a new destination for many people to live.

I will continue to expose those workers of darkness in media
The big stars at the end of 2005 in shock jock radio. Name one who is still on the air in a big way. God cleaned house.

The music industry which possesses an antichrist spirit will be cleansed.
At the end of 2005 there were lawsuits and raii infringement issues that reached a fevered pitch. I believe this word must have come to reassure those in the music business that God has it all in hand. This is a case of me knowing nothing in the flesh of these things but hearing it clearly for someone who would read this. I would be interested if anyone who did read this could tell me what this meant and why. None of these things are for naught.

The Economy
There were all kinds of prognostications at the end of 2005. Few were positive. Cost of Oil and Katrina and the cost of War were all going to take us under. Then there was a weak stock market. Some were saying the stock market was going to take a major dive in 2006. The spirit of the day was doom and gloom. But GOD had other ideas.

This will be a year of restabilization.
It was
General Motors will face bankruptcy
It did
The employment of my people in America will remain about the same
It does
Nearly a 25% decrease in housing starts.
There was
At the end, the economy, although shaken will continue to be good.
It is
Inflation concerns and tighter credit will cause fear
It does
Oil prices
Stable and falling in real value
Media empires
There will be a major scare in the stock market
There was

POLITICS (God puts up and takes down)
I put up whom I will and I take down whom I will.
Boy did he (at the end of 2005 it looked like the R's had a lock)
Judge Alito will be confirmed.
Yes he was, but at the end of 2005 conventional wisdom was he would not be, Roberts was enough, filibuster
departures from the Presidents administration
There were, but Bush kept saying, no changes.
The fall elections will be of little consequence.
Still remains to be seen. What appears to be change may not be
Your President Bush will be protected
There were assassination predictions at the end of 2005
I am purifying government. The scandals
The rumbling under the floorboards in the government was that these scandals would pass and have little effect. God said, it’s a purifying. Boy did he..
All the issues below were up in the air at the end of 2005
Patriot act – Passes but with modifications YES
Dems had said that there was no way in heck it would at all,
Social Security – no change in 2006 YES
Big priority at the end of 2005, lost of smoke and mirrors
Health Care Reform – serious talk begins YES
At the end of 2005 no glimmer of this conversation which begins again
Tax Reform – will continue but still not enough YES
In Dec of 2005 everything was about rolling back tax reform, more passed

Global Affairs
Things happening globally are of concern to God, Otherwise why did Jesus warn about Wars and rumors of war. Why didn’t he just talk about souls being saved. God wants us to be confident when the rumors start.

The long questioned WMD issue will be settled
The drumbeat at the end of 2005 was that Bush lied. He didn’t. BUT, WMD deniers will never be convinced. Then we have holocaust deniers too, same thing. Facts don’t matter to deniers.
Iraq will settle down. I will raise up leaders for this season of restoration.
At the end of 2005 it seemed like no election would happen, no government organized, no national representation that this would be without any hope. Now, while things are still a mess, there is a government, a police force, national representation and a glimmer of hope that the leadership of Iraq will solidify.
An alliance of Iran and Russia’s Putin
At the end of 2005 Russia still seemed to be the USA’s friend. The real colors of our “friendship” have begun to be revealed..
Afghanistan will require new interventions
At the end of 2005 it seemed like Kahrzi and government had things well in hand.
As a result Terrorist efforts will be come less frequent but more deadly
At the end of 2005 people expected a ramp up of terror bombings. I think of the Wedding Bombing in Jordan as a deadly example.
I have raised my hand against the UN.
2005 many believed that the UN could play a key role in solving the worlds problems, it has wider and deeper been shown for what it really is, an inept corrupt useless entity.
I will judge North Korea for the sake of a Christian South Korea
2005 many believed that North Korea might attack or be a danger. The paper tiger they really are and the desperate circumstance of their people is the real story today.
China and India will continue to ascend.
2005 there were questions how far these countries could go. The answer is further than we thought.
I have placed a mantle of peace over my promised land, Israel.
2005 Sharon stroke, civil war potential, Gaza in flames, Arafat gone. It looked bad. But, despite the brief war with Hezbollah 2006 was peaceful.

His Church
At the end of 2005 people in the Church at large were asking what was going to happen in unity. What would bring revival? Where was God in all this? What God said wasn’t a word of peace peace. In fact the last year has brought exactly what God said it would bring.

  • I am forcing a wedge into the body of Christ
  • The middle ground is disappearing.
  • Lukewarm is becoming vomit
  • The purifying I am doing is not just for people; it’s for the church at large.
  • Overt direct persecution of those of faith will accelerate.
  • Polarization of those who say they believe
  • Spiritual deception from high places
You will lose 5 major leaders of the Church in 2006.
To date we have only lost 3 of consequence
  1. Zola Levitt
  2. Ted Engstrom
  3. William Sloane Coffin
While I wonder about William Sloane Coffin, he does represent a major arm of the Body of Christ and an important historical figure for those of my generation.

The other question is, do we consider the fall of Ted Haggard a "Loss of a Major Leader"? Is the word accurate but misundestood? Did it have to mean death. I’ll wait it out. There are still 14 days yet in 2006.

In waiting on the Lord for 2007, I’m not getting much vision past the end of February. I don’t know what that means if anything. Last year it was wide open. Revelation flowed. Now it seems like things have closed up after February. I’ll still wait. More coming.

What does this mean?

Is something happening in Feb or early March that changes everything? Something really big?

I'm still waiting.

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