Monday, December 18, 2006

Studying for Finals

In a little over a week or so we will enter a new year. 2007.

I have so many things that “Must” be done by then. Actually, most of these things are self-imposed. I don’t HAVE to do them. But if I don’t, I’ll pay later. So, I’m wrapping things up for 2006.

It’s like college.

I kept up with assignments so the idea of studying for finals always seemed a bit strange to me. Others would be up all night. Wracking their brains, drinking coffee and other things to stay awake.

Then, the next morning bleary eyed show up and hack thru the test. Getting interesting grades.

A = Average
B = Better
C = Courageous
D = Distinctive
F = Fabulous

I was a Fabulous student.

I never got it. Oh, I studied; I had term papers with the ink not yet dry sometimes. But mostly I slept thru preparation for finals. I thought, whatever I don’t know, it’s too late to learn.

But in life and in school, a little every day gets me to the end. There’s always a last minute flurry to get things done. But, usually it’s odds and ends. Not as one young lad whose term paper was due the next day was planning at 3PM to get a start on it “pretty soon”.

I need a nap by 3PM.

Always did, Still do.

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