Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Grateful Dead Bloggers

I confess. I, a baby boomer, rock and roll band member, and all other 60s such things have never been to a grateful Dead concert. They didn't come to North Dakota much when I was in my heyday.

I know these things about JG's little troupe,
  • They didn't make or sell records to speak of
  • They encouraged or at least didn't discourage live taping
  • They wanted word of mouth to build audience
  • People came because they liked what they heard
  • People told others and that became the buzz
  • Very little of their music was rote. Mostly spontaneous
  • It took a lot of courage to do this hoping people would come

Just like the Blogosphere. I have always used analogy to understand and measure things. It's a sound method. One of my analogies is the grateful Dead.

Bloggers do most of the same things in hope they'll be heard.
Many are. It's the excellence of the music and the buzz that gets the crowd.

That explains it; is anyone there, anyone, someone??

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