Thursday, September 22, 2005

I Love SMART Women

I'm a sucker for a good Female Brain. Lots of men are more enamored with other parts. That's good too but not as attractive as a woman with a good head on her shoulders. Ditzy women (the blond stereotype) does nothing for me. "Is Chicken of the Sea Chicken?"

I'm not talking about bitchy brassy loud pushy women. I'm talking about a confident intelligent thinking person who happens to be of the female persuasion. That's my kind of woman.

I married one. She is my best friend and I would rather talk to her than most anyone. She sometimes says things to me I know are beyond her ability. I'm thankful for her.

There are a few in the public eye who are intellegently attractive as well.

I think that young racecar driver, Danica Patrick is very sharp. She doesn't go on preaching about women's rights and all. That's not important. She just races well. I saw her on Letterman the other day. Very bright woman.

Angela Merkel. The woman who ran against Schroeder in Germany for Chancellor in the CDU/CSU. She is fighting hard to become Chancellor. Her side got the most votes but in the parliamentary system you have to build a majority. She might not get it done. She lost in part because Germans just have a hard time voting for a woman.
I watched the debates (we get German TV feeds on our Dish Network). I watcher her with Sabine Christenson (a talk show in Germany, Germans have lots of really smart women who have talk shows). I have watched several interviews on news programs and she is one sharp cookie. I wish she could pull it off but I have doubts. I do enjoy German politics. The chat shows are the best. Not as much yelling as on American TV and much longer form. I don't think our sound bite politicians in this country could do this.

I like Condi Rice. Smart. Accomplished. Loyal. Solid. Conservative. Able. In charge. Hated by the left. She just gets it done.

Now, up till tonite, I have been a secret admirer of Hillary Clinton. She is (or maybe was) smart, clever, able, and on a solid track to become the 44th President of the US. But she has jumped the shark. She just announced she is going to vote AGAINST Judge Roberts. Why? Her base isn't going anywhere. She needs the middle. Republicans elected her in New York. This has no upside whatsoever. It was an innocuous vote. Her NO does nothing good for her future. She is too smart to make a dumb move like this. I don't get it. Please somebody explain it to me. So, maybe we will be able to elect a Republican in 2008. WHO?

Women I find unattractive because they are so infinitely beyond an intelligent conversation or thought are people like Barbara Streisand, Katie Couric, Whoopie Goldberg, Rosanne Barr, Cher, Mary Landraieu, Celiene Dionne, and all kinds of other really dumb women who stand up and mindlessly babble on without a clue as to what they are saying.

While I'm on it, dumb people come in both genders. Does anyone ever remember the time Tavis Smiley (Who I like as a person and enjoy his talk show) was on jeopardy? Or how about Bob Woodward. Both of them finished not just at the bottom of the panel, but didn't know some of the most basic things. Ill informed and uneducated people who like Bob Woodward only did one thing once (handed to him on a silver platter by deep throat) is still respected. WHY. Tavis at least admits his lack of depth. Woodward is a puzzle. Why does anyone take him seriously at all? His books don't sell, his writing is shallow. I'm not mad at him, just puzzled.

But Smart Women, Peggy Noonen, Lynn Cheney, and North Dakota's own Julie Neidlinger. Good Stuff.

Ok I admit it, a "smart liberal" is partially oxymoronic to me. How can you be smart and believe.........that?

Hillary, you had me fooled.

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