Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Boston Legal Looking for a Shark to Jump

If you don't know the term, To Jump the Shark.  Google it up.  You'll discover it means that something happens in a TV series that causes the show to fall off the edge of the earth.  Usually from really bad writing.
I enjoy Boston Legal and William Shatner.  But, this weeks episode was lame X 3.  It represented a political viewpoint which it doesn't have to.  It wasn't clever.  It wasn't edgy.  It was lame.
I have a feeling the writers have run out of ideas and now are using it for a platform for left wing opinion.
Guess what, Mr/Mrs writer group.  We don't want to hear your drivel now or ever.
Entertainment is supposed to entertain. You bored. 
So, there may be hope but I am pessimistic.  You are just looking for shark and then you're lunchmeat.
Too bad, you had a franchise going.  Even the Sun Times in Chicago had a full page spread on the star of the show, Shatner and calling Boston Legal his best work.
You have blown it.
Now, if I could just address the producers of the show.  Fire them tomorrow, throw away everything they have written, find Larry David and get your edge back before I (and millions of others) quit watching.

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