Thursday, March 16, 2006


Milleborne I am told is French for milestone. At least the game we used to play was was called milleborne.

I have experienced a few milleborne in the last few days.

First, the bad news. I turned 61 years old. Ides of March. I’ll survive but I don’t like it. I’m older and crankier than ever. Now watching the movie Grumpy Old Men is sort of “SO WHAT” to me now. I have lots of days like that.

But time limps along and I don’t.

Second, A friend and business associate of mine for nearly 30 years left town. In the late 70s we were in a Dale Carnegie Class together. He was so bright. I kept in touch and later we went into business together. After the business closed he moved to California. I moved to Chicagoland to take a new job. We needed a smart quality software guy to augment our development efforts. Bill was the man I thought of at once. So he hopped in his little Fiat 150 or something like that (a large matchbox sized car) and motored to Chicagoland. On the 15th of March exactly 20 years ago he moved here. Two ides of Marchisms. Does it mean anything???? Probably not.

One of the men he worked with and meshed with immediately was Ken. Ken was a contract software developer who just plain fit hand in glove with Bill. I enjoyed and still do enjoy getting together with all of them.

And on the Ides of March a year ago these two couples were those who came to dinner when we spent a terrific memorable evening of ideas and fun. I wrote about it.

Now Bill and Barb are off to Sunny and Cool North Carolina. We will miss him. Ken (the other one in this picture who isn’t me) and Ellen will miss him too.

The picture of 3 women and 2 men above (I took the Picture) are Left to Right- Peggy, Ellen and Ken and Barb and Bill. The three men below are Ken, Bill and me left to right. I don't even want to think of the cumulative age of all of us. It's not 4 digits yet anyway.

The other milleborne this week was the Worship Leader from our church leaveing. He has been there since we have. He’s a good man and has brought us far. I can’t wait to see how much further we have yet to go.

Take care Chad.

Milestones. I don’t like to see them go by but you can’t get to the next one unless you keep on peddling. I will only fall down if I stop peddling, so I keep on.

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