Saturday, March 11, 2006

Klingons for Christ

I was speaking with someone last night in a ministerial role to a 58 year old woman divorced who works in a factory for $12 an hour. She has been there for 5 years. She has been divorced about that long.

She’s an artist. A darn good one. She would really rather draw than work in a factory. When she was married she did art. She has a 4-year degree in graphic arts. She is smart enough.

Factory life is security. She has a little tiny 401K. She gets minimal health benefits.

So, she stays at the factory for $12 and “Puts off” her dream of being a professional artist. She never will. She is too afraid and too timid.

Her soul has been purchased by the Devil. Not really but metaphorically.

Fear of deprivation and fear of failure has caused her to stop hoping. She’s marking time till she retires and then will mark time till she dies. 58 is too young to die.

Rest in Peace.

I am criticized and I'm questioned in this here blog (read the comments) about that mean old Jesus I love so much. I mean, wasn’t he that nice little man who walked around humbly doing boy scout type deeds and then died by some cruel twist of fate?

That’s the Jesus so many people accept. That’s the Jesus so many people believe lived.

But that’s not the Jesus who will cause people to abandon all like Peter did and follow him or to get up like Matthew from his office desk and walk away from a lucrative gig.

I wouldn’t follow the anemic Jesus and neither do you. If people see Jesus in that way they don’t know him. They don’t now him in his glorified resurrection. They can’t know him as God.

If that’s you I’m so sorry and I hope you find him. Or better, I hope he finds you.

Jesus would have been a great Klingon. Klingons would have loved the Real Jesus.

There was such an episode where there was a Christlike figure in Klingon religion. He was no wimp and neither is Jesus.

Some Christian Star Trek Next Gen fan put this website up. It’s great. I’ll never look at Worf the same again.

Now if that beaten down 58 year old woman would just get some Klingon Blood in her or better yet get the fierceness of the Son of God down in her soul she could break out of the chains that bind her to her past and to her sense of failure.

Like the old Klingon Proverb says: Today is a good day to die. If you knew you were going to die in a month what would you do with the rest of your life? I’ll bet you wouldn’t show up at the factory for 12 bucks an hour again.


Anonymous said...

Is Dobson a Klingon?

Anonymous said...

Her decision to stay there depends a lot on if she has children to support. If so, leaving a sure thing becomes a luxury, not an act of courage.

Gene said...

No, RBB, he would be a Telusian.

You would have to watch STNG.

No Kids, all grown. She is single.

Nothing is stopping her. And where she lives $12 is like 7. This is Chicago.