Thursday, March 23, 2006


This story won't get much play in the media because it's about the media and it's not complementary.

I listened to Hugh Hewitt last night and heard the interview which is noted in this link. Read the whole thing please. I made a couple comments. We are now at the point in this country to ask this question and ask it carefully.


More important, are we there now? I think we might be.

I know many people who read this blog from time to time are of liberal persuasions. I don't mean this as a slam against you personally. I do mean this as a slam against an institutional media hatred of Bush and a kneejerk belief that the Iraq war is bad. I blame it on people who follow blindly what the liberal media spews.

Do you know for instance that the US Military death rate is down over half from a few months ago and dropping fast?. Do you know that it was the military that rescued the hostages today?. Do you know that solid evidence was found in the last 3 days connecting Saddam and Bin Laden?. Do you know that more people were killed in the military to this point during the same time in the Clinton administration than have been killed during the Bush administration?. And we are at war.

The reason you don't know of this is becausse there is a liberal treasonous media effort to suppress the truth. If you believe it you have been had. Deceived, Duped.

This is war. This is not a lightweight police action. This is very serious and the time has come to treat it that way. Many of us believe this war is essential and worldchanging if we win or lose. You may not see it that way but I do.

We must win. You would do well to read this editorial from the Wall Street Journal.

What if we lose the Iraqi War? What are the consequences?

You don't want to know. Your children and grandchildren would not live in the America they live in today. They would live in fear and defeat. And it isn't because of Bush, it's because of the left.

Who is our real enemy? We are at war with our enemies. Who's side are you on?

1 comment:

NodakJack said...

Allow me to answer some of your questions:

Do you know that it was the military that rescued the hostages today?. (Yes, it was on the news.)

Do you know that solid evidence was found in the last 3 days connecting Saddam and Bin Laden?. (Yes, I read it and STILL don't believe it. Sorry, I'm no Stepford follower.)

Do you know that more people were killed in the military to this point during the same time in the Clinton administration than have been killed during the Bush administration?. (Documentation, not bloggery, please.) I do know that no American died in Clinton's war in the Balkans. (Did you know that?)

And we are at war. (Bush's War.)

When do YOU realize the foolhardiness of this war-monger? When he writes a memo saying, "Alright, I'm a liar and a thief. I deserve an international war crimes trial."

The treasonous one is the one seling us out to the Arabs. That would be GWB.

The truth shall set you free.