Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Our Very Popular President

I confess. I am an unrepentant social conservative. I like George Bush. For lots of reasons but mostly that I trust him to do the right thing. Turns out I am not in the minority. Among social conservatives (Anti-Abortion, Anti Gay Marriage Etc) my beloved President has a 95% approval rating.

Since I mostly only hang out with other Social Conservatives I am always amazed that the polls of Bush’s popularity are so low. Turns out his popularity is huge (among people I hang out with).

This is not a Christian thing. Several people I know are very socially conservative and not believers in Jesus. Big Deal? I don’t know. But I do know, social conservatives are very committed and they vote. That gives me hope for fall 2006. I think no matter what they say about the war and spying and all, when the crunch comes Americans are basically socially conservative. So, don’t lose hope.

This all comes from an Economist Article (Not Complementary to Bush at all) it concedes the support he does have:

Besides, most social conservatives still like Mr Bush. He enjoys approval ratings of more than 95% among Republicans; he also enjoys something that his father never had: trust. Mr Weyrich, the man who invented the “moral majority”, thinks that Mr Bush's record on social issues is even better than the sainted Ronald Reagan's. This trust is there largely because Mr Bush has fought harder on the other big social issue, abortion.

Mr Bush has done other righteous things. His judicial nominations have included several evangelical Christians, such as Charles Pickering and Claude Allen, a leading advocate of abstinence-education.

Mr Bush is better placed than anybody else in his party to manage the religious right. But some spouses are not amenable to even the most enlightened management. The Republican Party currently looks like an extraordinary electoral machine. But it would be foolish to forget that the party is an amalgam of lots of different groups—and that one of the most important of these groups, the social conservatives, has a mind and a will of its own.

On the other hand, we have shot ourselves in the foot before. I will not allow by my anger or threat to not vote to potentially elect any pro gay pro-abortion liberals. I’ll hold my nose and vote for the right.

My guess is so will others when the time comes.


Chief RZ said...

We will have a vote here in SC on the "one man-one woman" amendment to our constitution thanks to the two judges in Massachusetts.

Anonymous said...

Actually most people ARE NOT what you call "Social Conservative".

Perhaps hanging out with the same people all the time has given you the wrong impression of what the typical American is like, or perhaps you have your ears glued to the radio listening to one of the many Neo-Fascist Anti-American Liar/Blabblers... (Rush, Savage, Hanity & Co).

The fact of the matter is, the VAST Majority of Americans believe in words like: Freedom, Liberty, and Justice.

And these Americans recognize that ALL Americans, regardless of Color, or Religion, or Sexual orientation deserve to have the same basic human rights.

These "other Americans" as you call them are all part of what is becoming known as the "Reality Based Community" ie: We base our views and philosophy on reality and truth, not Hypocritcal BS Dredge told to us by the White House, the Republican Controlled Congress, or Nutballs like Pat Robertson.

So yes my friend, you are indeed out of touch, as are the other 29% of Americans who still support the most incompetent President in the History of the United States.

Thankfully however, More and More Americans are waking up to the reality that a Monkey is in the White House, it took awhile, For FEAR is a powerfull tool, and Bush's Handlers have used it well, but as I believe Abraham Lincoln once said (A REAL Republican)... "You can fool some of the people all of the time, and you can fool All of the people some of the time, but you can't fool ALL of the people, ALL of the time."

The only decision you have to make is to decide how much longer you want to be fooled.

- Patamon

Anonymous said...

Allen and Pickering indeed, nothing like a recess appointment and a shoplifting confidant to prove Mr. Bush has done righteous things.