Men don'’t like church according to an author who wrote the book "“Why Men Hate Going to Church"”.
This article reviews the book.
Church today is designed for 50-60 year old women according to the author. Look in your bulletin next Sunday. It'’s all about women. What is there for men? Nothing! Come be part of _____________. Fill in blank here. It's empty. How did this happen? How did being a passionate lover of God become feminized? I'm quite secure in my masculinity and I'm as radically sold out as any woman could be. But for me it's different. This isn't about having nice meetings with one another, this is about facing Nebacanezzer and maybe ending up in firey furnace. This is courage that might mean facing hungry lions in the lions den. This is trusting God for his own sake to conquer the enemies my family, my business, my church and my country have to face. This is war. Instead much of Church is support group Christianity. Not that we don't need that, but we face an enemy who wants to kill us and we are too passive as men to run to the battle. We are like David's brothers cowering in the shadows while the giants in our lives utter threats against us. David ran to the battle. So should we.
We need to have manly men on fire for God. Except most churches don'’t know how. They continue to appeal to their core group, older women because it's easy. They amplify the problem by increasing the effeminzationation of the church. So men hate church. They stay home and watch football. Nothing is happening there for them. And Churches die with a few old ladies locking the door.
What we need are pirates in the pews. A swashbuckling spirit. Jesus arhrrhg. I'm serious. Pirates take over. Time to put that parrot on your shoulder and strap on your rapier. Time for Christian men to take over.
We must start now or lose our men. How? By dealing with the things that only men can relate to. The battle: the passion, the evil one, the dominions that Godly men must begin to occupy in Business, Media, Government, Education and yes, in the Church. Men need to take charge. They need to start in their homes and then tackle the dominions of the world.
We must overtake and board the dominions satan has long occupied. What we need are pirates in the pews looking for satan'’s fat cargo ships to conquer. Remember, it's a promise, "The wealth of the wicked is laid up for the Righteous". Sounds like pirate work to me.
Hoist the Jolly Roger, let'’s take over. Run to the battle -
1 comment:
Arrrrgh, mate, arrrrrgh.
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