Wednesday, July 12, 2006

WHO WINS - You better hope we do!

Let's see, if we have a direct confrontation of a religion that espouses Kill all the Jews and Christians and one that the Liberals think means Turn the Other Cheek no matter what then who will prevail in a worldwide conflict?
I rest that particular case.  They don't care who they kill, Indians, Russians, Indonesians, Americans, other Muslims.  They are in the business of stealing killing and destroying.  That's the mission statement of the Devil.
We suffer from an image of Christians and of Jesus that is distorted by  liberal theology that denies Jesus' humanity and deity.  As God he wants us to love our enemies when they abuse us for His sake and as Jesus he rails against injustice and evil.  Examples: Tables overturned in the Temple and The Pharisee encounters.  Where's the love?
So what are we to do?  Go the extra mile, Turn the other cheek.  But, if an evil direct from Satan himself comes against us, we must raise up the standard of God and push back until the very gates of Hell cannot prevail against us.
Ruthlessness in the face of evil. That's the call on the body of Christ in this day.  We must get the uneducated left to see what this really means.
I am hopeful that even the most hardened liberal will come to an awareness of the evil that is the nazi fascist islamist force in this world and stand with us against them.  They must be crushed completely.  There is no compromise to be made with pure evil.  The face of evil smiles as it beheads innocents, bombs marketplaces, plants ied's and flies planes into buildings.
Manifested evil unrecognized by the left in America.   That's what we have. Maybe someday they'll get it. 
This is war even if you don't know it.
I can only hope someday you will.

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