Thursday, August 10, 2006

Understanding Radical Islam

Takes one to know one they say. I’ll go with that.

I am a radical Christian. I believe the world would be a much better place if everyone were like me. I believe the world is filled with evil bad immoral people. I wish others would see the light. I wish they would stop engaging in behavior that hurts themselves and others.

I do all I am able to do within my earthly power to convince all people at all times that being a Christian is a better way to live. I have learned that arguing the fine points of theology with people that have no comprehension of the Bible (even if they have read it) is a hopeless quest.

So, I live my life, out in the open, trying to attract people to my way of thinking.

If I had my way I would see to it that prayer would be in schools, Jesus worshipped in the public square and our flag symbolically over struck with the Cross of Christ announcing to the world that to be an American is to be a Christian. I would have that flag raised above the White House, the Capital Building and every public building in the land.

I would want the 10 commandments as the law of the land and all laws must rise out of them. The Bible would be taught in schools as part of the curricula. I wish all that could happen.

I know it’s not. Wishing and hoping doesn’t make it so. I’m not going to bomb, march, attack, car bomb, blow up airplanes, or do anything of the type. I know we have laws about these things and although I don’t agree with them all I understand and I live in this country carrying a passport of the Kingdom of God. I’m in that way a resident alien. My allegiance is to Jesus first; To my country second.

I think everyone should live like this.

Now, if you transpose all of what I just said to the Islamic religion and then allow for the implementation of the dream of an Islamic World with people willing to kill themselves and others for the cause because of some false hope of heaven you have a better understanding of the mentality of the Islamic radical fundamentalist.

He believes of Islam:
  • His laws should be the law of the land
  • His flag should fly above #10 Downing Street and the White House
  • That his Holy Book should be taught in Schools
  • That time should be set-aside for Prayer in the Public Forum
  • Everyone who is not a Muslim should convert or die (My belief is they will die, twice, once naturally, once eternally, the second death, I just don’t think they should or have to)
  • His Allegiance is to no flag, no country, he is a soldier of Allah
  • He believes the west is immoral, decadent and unworthy of living
  • He will not argue the Koran, you are ignorant if you disagree and should be killed.
  • He believes the Jews are a key part of this whole issue

The difference is there are very few recorded cases of Christians blowing themselves or anyone else up. They are not hanging little girls. They are not trying to blow up airplanes. They are not waging war on America, Israel, the UK, or Spain.

The Islamic Fundamentalist is led by Clerics who indoctrinate them with a belief that if they devote themselves to bringing about this new world domination of Islam somehow the world will be so much better a place that their children and grandchildren will live under a global ordered pure society without sin, without evil, and that Sharia law will be the law of the land. It will be safe and they will rule and reign as Caliphs.

So they fight and die for this utopia in the absolute belief they are winning. These nuts who tried to blow up airplanes in Britain today wear Armani Suits, work in the financial district, were born and raised in Britain, speak with a British accent, and at night go home, put on their Muslim outfits, face Mecca and pray for the day when the whole world by conversion or at the point of the gun and bomb will be just like them. They are not assimilated into society.

They are in America too. The men just discovered from Detroit area with $11,000 for support of Hezbollah are among us. Not immigrants, unassimilated Muslims.

They will be hard to get rid of. We must not let them win. They will kill or convert us all.

The worst is the left doesn’t get it. They think this is some equivalent of Christianity. We fundamentalist radicals are all the same. That lukewarm passive paganism is the answer. They don’t understand that people like those who elected Lamont in Connecticut are useful idiots for the disciples of world domination that is ISLAM. Being against the fight against radical Islam is unpatriotic at least and treasonous at worst.

I know what it means to be a radical fundamentalist. I understand them. They are very dangerous. They will settle for nothing less than killing or converting you. They are intent on taking over the whole world.

And the left just puts their head in a 5 gallon bucket and goes la la la la la la la la in the hopes it will all go away.

It’s not going away. We either face them here or over there. You have zero choice in the matter.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This conflict has been since the beginning of time. With little resources and few numbers islam has been biding their time. Waiting and planning just beneath the surface. Now with numbers spread worldwide, and great wealth they are ready to engage in their jihad. I'm not ready to let some pajama clad radical sever my head, least not without a fight!