Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Why I have SO MANY Left Wing Friends

This is a conundrum. I certainly have a lot of right wing people in my life, but they are of the ilk to say, “Yep, you are so right Gene, Absolutely”. I stole that, attribution here. You'll understand in a minute.

That’s fun for a while. But soon I look forward to some confrontation and argument. You remember the Monty Python skit, Eric Idle comes to John Cleese’s office and pays for an argument. Cleese just counters what he says. No arguments whatsoever. Idle argues that the arguments he paid for are not arguments. Hilarity ensues. Well that’s what’s missing in the righty on righty discussions I have. We all hate liberals. Commies. Whackos. Etc. You get the drift. 5 minutes of that and we’re done.

Sometimes when I have engaged controversy with online acquaintances that I might have otherwise agreed with 100% with a slightly differing opinion I am rewarded with anger, disdain or avoidance. I am suspect for having an open mind or a non party line opinion. Like my view on Wal-Mart. Or some of my “Religious” views. I am not all that orthodox in some areas. That appears to be a no no with some of my conservative brethren.

So, I have befriended several lefty people. I genuinely like them. Some I have never met. I just enjoy the give and take of intellectual intercourse. (That is the proper English use of that term for those of you that are shocked). Some left wing friends are less intellectual than others.

One liberal man who I have never met is a favorite of mine. Reality Based Bob. RBB. He comments often on Say Anything. He is always witty and able to execute an argument better than most anyone. I said to him the other day he would be someone who I think I would have enjoyed getting to know better. But he lives somewhere in California and I live in the great state of Illinois. I have encouraged him to start blogging or becoming a submitter to Say Anything.

RBB is as polar opposite to me in political and spiritual thinking as anyone could be. But he is great fun, clever and whenever I see his gravataar I always read his comments.

Today he commented on this blog. He said:

What’s going on with you Gene…all these manly man posts?

Is that durn wife makin ya wear matching sweaters again?

Oh that just burns me up too.
# posted by RBB : 6:26 PM

The answer is I used this in a men’s group meeting in Church last Saturday as an opening. I wrote it all myself and was highly amused by it. It was meant to lighten up the open and set the tone. I don’t thing anyone other than RBB ever actually TOOK the test. I just got to use my joke about taking someone bear hunting and if they got one, next time I would give them a weapon. But, RBB, with a 47 you needs to become a pirate. Arrgh!

IF the truth were known, I have a rich internal life. I tell myself a joke and become my own best audience. And I enjoy what I write. I blog for ME. It’s a journal of sorts of what I’m thinking and feeling and reacting to in my life. Read my blog and you know me. For better or worse.

RBB and all my other liberal friends, now you know why I like you and hope you don’t go away. Oh, that doesn’t mean I won’t try hard to bring you back from the precipice of destruction and away from the dark side. Then you’ll become conservative and then I’ll have to find other liberal friends.

Nice to know you have a purpose in life isn’t it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the kind words stranger. I will tip my tea cup to you later this evening.

As to the submitter angle you slyly inject …I take enough abuse from the boys over at SA with my comments…(none of which I take personally btw – but that r108 is a snippy one isn’t he?) I prefer to play Puck and dart in when necessary to keep rob and the rest on their toes. Sometimes it’s as if they really don’t think there is another view point to consider. I learn a lot from them fellers about what the radical right thinks and that’s a good thing. A poster? Not just yet.

Take care o’ your bad self Gene.

And if the wife buys a sweater…let there be peace on earth…wear the sweater.