Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Can Zippy Govern?

Every dog has his day. Sometimes that dog looks like a squirrel.

We have here in sunny Illinois two of the worst possible gubernatorial candidates known to man or woman.

Rod “Graft” Blagojevich and Judy “Pay-me-off” Barr Topinka.

They are both part of the culture of corruption and mediocrity. I don’t plan to vote for either.

The local radio station dominant in our market did a call in poll the other day. They asked people to vote for one of 3 candidates for Gov, Rod or Judy OR Zippy the Squirrel. After a hundred or so phone in votes Zippy was ahead of both the other candidates with 80 votes. 20 were split between the other two. Now, the question is, can Zippy govern? Well he’s a squirrel. He has a bushy tail and likes nuts. That’s about the same as our two candidatures. Except Zippy is faster on his feet and can climb trees.

Now, I’m sure you understand I can’t vote for the Democrat. My head would explode. So, why am I so angry with Judy Barr T?

She’s a moderate on lots of things, Pro Choice, Taxes, Etc
She is not conservative as I would want in a governor
She is part of the “MY TURN” politics in IL where just surviving is enough to get the nomination

And, she was the driving force in bringing in Alan Keyes to run against Barak Obama for the seat Jack Ryan bailed out on. Keyes was an embarrassment, a good guy, perhaps a great leader someday, but for this purpose at that time it was designed to prove once and for all that a conservative can’t win in IL. I’m sorry I don’t buy it. I don’t think a moderate can win.

So, for that intentional slap in the face of all I hold dear I will vote Whitney, the green candidate.

I know that means Blago will win. I just want the party of Lincoln to come back home. A solid slap in the face will do them some good. OOOOO I needed that.

We had some pretty good conservative candidates but the machine wouldn’t let them in.

By the way, Judy Barr Topinka is running behind in the polls, 29 to 44 for Blago.

Couldn’t happen to a nicer person. I hope this is the last we have to hear about her and the politics of phony conservatism in IL. I’m sick of it all.

Vote Green for Gov.

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