Sunday, March 18, 2007

Arctic Land Rush

I'm going to start buying beachfront land in Barrow Alaska right away.

It appears that there is an imminent land rush about to ensue.

That is if you read and agree with James Lovelock of Great Britain who says global warming is going to get so bad that nearly EVERYONE on planet earth will die and as puts it:

"Before this century is over, billions of us will die and the few breeding pairs of people that survive will be in the Arctic," predicted James Lovelock, a renowned environmental scientist.
Now I love the Northern Lights as much as the next guy, but can you imagine how nice that will be laying out in a lawn chaise looking up at the skies in a bathing suit on the sandy shores of Barrow Alaska? I have oceanfront views available for $19,999 this month only.

I particularly want those of you who are ardent Global Warming Enthusiasts to send your deposits in right away. Apparently there is going to be a limited supply of this prime property. Wait, there won't be anyone here to buy.

We'll all be dead.

Never mind.

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