Sunday, March 18, 2007

It's not Funny Anymore

I have been a listener and a reader of things Garrison Keilor has written or spoken since the mid 1970s.  I have always found him to be amusing and reflective of a culture I know well, the upper Midwest.
Somewhere something happened with him.  He began to get an edge I guess we all do at some point in our lives.  I know I have.  That is when we really aren't living life to appease others.  When who we really are is open and obvious. 
Garrison is become that.  He's less and less amusing as the real him is being revealed. 
Last night's show March 17th 2007 Prairie Home Companion Show was the straw of backbreaking for me.  His newspaper column which was initially characterized as a reflection of his middle American values and lifestyle has instead become a constant drumbeat of Bush Hating vindictive and acerbic anger.
Sorry Garrison, you were a good entertainer, you are much less good as a political commentator.
While Garrison pretends to be respectful on the air, in print his hatred of our President is much more visible.   His on air persona is now taking the turn to the worse.
He has the right to hate President Bush as does Hugo Chavez of Venezuela and President Amidinijab of Iran.  My problem with all this is Garrison has now become one more shrill screech as was the late Molly Ivins.  One we need less of.
The constant leftwing media drumbeat of lies, distortion, half truths, exaggerations and simple propaganda has taken it's toll on America.  We have been drip drip dripped away by a duplicitous press and faux patriots like Garrison.
I happen to believe that what George Bush has done in Iraq was right, essential and was ordered of God.  I believe we are in a fight for civilization.  This is a fight against barbarians at the gate who want to take over the whole world, subjugate us all and destroy whatever independence we thought we ever had.
So, I am not a fan anymore.  My love affair with Lake Woebegone is gone.  You crossed the line last night.  Politically jumped the shark.  This battle is too important, this fight too central to smile at your snideness as just another funny joke.
It's not funny anymore.

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