Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Isn't That Interesting?

I got emails and a couple comments on the post "Walking on Water" below.  It made me think.
The content of the post was about what we could do as the church to reach the men in our community.  I expected some vigorous discussions.  Instead, except for an email and comment from John Armstrong, all the comments regarded a throw away PS comment I made at the bottom about something I did long ago when I was very young in the faith.  My first love was great.  I had passion.  I want that passion back.
My question is this;  Isn't this exactly the problem we as a church have.  We are arguing about whether or not it's proper or good idea to try or not to walk on water and the main thing that should be the main thing, how do we reach the absent men in our communities goes unanswered.
Or maybe in the responses the answer lies.   Could it be that we are so busy discussing theology we no longer meet felt needs or attract men to be Christ Followers.   So they stay in the canoe.

1 comment:

E, G. Donaldson said...

Men go where there is excitment. Women go where there is acceptance and fellowship. Of course, that is a bit overly simple. Jesus said that people should believe for the miracles sake if for no other reason, which makes sense because miracles are exciting.

The meeting you described was exciting; good preaching, good singing and hundreds of men of "like, precious faith" seeking to get closer to God. Few things could be more exciting than that.
Walking on water would also be exciting and it would attract men, but it would send the wrong message.