Some poll in Parade Magazine. Should the US continue to Possess and improve nuclear weapons. They posed it as, Do we need NEW Nukes?
63% said NO!
Are they idiots? Do they think the rest of the world will play nice if we do? What king of stupidity pervades our culture. I blame a failed education system for turning out morons. Then I read the Wall Street Journal and this article. So there is a voice of common sense out there.
Junk Science Day:
Peak Oil. Renowned scientists who agree on everything like global warming being caused by humans (NOT) have also make pronouncements on how much oil we can or cannot produce from this planet. None of them agree even close.
Here's a chart.

It means that by 2030 we will produce between 65 million barrels of oil per day or 140 million. As Bob "Mr. Baseball" Uecker in Major League would say, "Just a little outside". That's not statistical error. That's a major discrepancy. Each side of the peak oil debate will pick their favorite expert and pronounce like they know what they are talking about.
I'm guessing these are all people (the experts) who made it thru 6th grade science.
This isn't about liberal or conservative. I believe there are lots of conservatives and liberals who close their eyes, click their red slippers together and say, "I wish there were no nukes, I wish there were no nukes". "I wish global warming would go away" and I wish the world wouldn't run out of oil.
They don't know and neither do I. And neither do YOU !
Quit believing everything you read or hear. I spend an inordinate amount of time using snopes to discredit stupid conservative emails of what George Carlin didn't say, or what Hillary Clinton is up to (who according to a recent Wall Street Journal poll is now favored 3-2 as the next president and that's WSJ readers), or Romney being a Mormon and how bad that is. Stupid stuff. People believing every phony thing that comes along left wing or right. I'm intolerant of both. THINK. Go back and study the science. Question everything. Quit being such a sheepling. I would say that the rumormongering and stupidity is worse on the left, then I get some other inane thing from a conservative friend of mine. Both are gullible.
OK, I'm ranting again.
I will tell you one thing that bugs me however. We blame SUV driving Americans for raping the earth. We are pikers. If we wanted to rape the earth we would be far less invasive than a copper mine in Chile that you can see from outer space, coal burning in China (thanks for the articles RBB, you are right. We should burn coal cleanly, but we should burn coal), and destroying rain forests globally. Earth rape is happening. I want to stop it. Stopping earth rape is not left or right.
Kyoto would be a treaty I could get behind if it sanctioned earth rape cessation and was not focused on blatantly picking people's pockets for some crooked UN slimeball's gain. Kyoto is not about global warming, it's about money.
It's Monday and I'm back and irritated. I need to take my meds.
"Stupid stuff. People believing every phony thing that comes along "
"I will tell you one thing that bugs me however"
What BUGS you? Like gas station security cam videos with blue BUGS on them that people beleive are spirits???
Very funny tie in, there, Gene!
This guy gets a video camera like was at the station. He's out to debunk things like this. He gets a bug. He puts the bug on the lens. He makes a video and triumphantly says, see, it was a bug.
Except what I see on his "Debunking" video looks like a bug on the lens. Legs, body, walks around. It's a bug.
Looking again on the video from the gas station, I'm not convinced. I see no legs, no body, it doesn't walk around. It stays consistently a transparent blue cloud. Dumber yet are the ones insisting its a garbage bag. If it were a garbage bag at that distance we would see the garbage bag. We don't. We see this blue ether.
If it were a flying bug, moth or mosquito, as if flew from the lense you would quickly get definition. Even a few inches away would reveal it for what it was. With the millions of CCTV cameras in use today and an equal number of bugs flying around, we should be having hundreds of "Ghost" appearances courtesy of our bug friends.. A few of them by now would make the YOU TUBE environment. Nope, nothing there.
Do I know for sure it is or is not a bug? I don't know for sure. AND NEITHER DO YOU! Do I know for sure it's a ghost or a supernatural apparition of some kind. I don't know for sure. AND NEITHER DO YOU. The fact that you immediately step back from taking any leap of faith says more about your faith or lack of it than not. My leap of faith does the same thing.
Whatever offends or disturbs a person reveals their heart. IF you can't believe in the potential for things you don't understand or can't explain you ultimately cannot believe in anything. This includes a true and living God. He's pretty unexplainable. That is a tough place to live life. There are more things in heaven and earth than our poor intellect can comprehend. Suspend your disbelief for a moment and ask yourself, what if?
Look, I'm not supporting or debunking the whole thing as much as asking the question. I have seen and experienced certain supernatural things on a live and in person level that means it's too late to talk me out of. I've seen it, I've touched it, I've experienced it. All your theory and "Facts" can't trump my experiences. If a person has seen a UFO or has experienced UFO abduction you can tell them all day long with every expert, every conviction, every so called fact, every evidence from a million experts and you aren't going to talk them out of their experience.
I don't know about UFOs. I would like to see one. I never have. I want to. I certainly allow for the potential that they exist.
One of the things that attracts me to the stories of Martin Luther is his experiences with the supernatural. (I'm a big Luther fan, have visited most of the Luther sites in Germany and have read much of his writings in the original German)
He saw things, had visions, experienced direct oppression, had direct demonic attacks and understood the other side well . He never questioned the supernatural for a second. I would have enjoyed knowing him.
The Church that bears his name for the most part no longer believes in the supernatural. One part has gone completely apostate and should no longer be considered a Christian Church.
So, you will go merrily along hoping that all things supernatural are easily explained. Things that people like me say, "I don't know for sure" are just weirdness, when the truth is just wishing and hoping it's not supernatural doesn't make it so.
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