According to an actual scientist with actual credentials who actually knows something about weather, It's getting warmer, it's been warmer in the past and his guess is it will get warmer and colder and then warmer. Climate change has been going on for a very long time.
Then colder,. NOW, it's getting warmer. We will live thru this.
Despite what the alarmists say. They extrapolate the worst. The big time hockey stick of temperature we have all heard of is well discounted. Here is a chart that might help you understand how over time we have been warm cold warm cold and now warm.

Read the article if you like long detailed footnoted documentation to prove things. Or believe your eyes.
Ok, so you don’t believe it. Ok. What in your opinion is the end goal of the conspiracy of the thousands of scientist who do?
Oh, by the way, what do you make of this?
"I had unknowingly passed along false information. And five of the highest ranking officials in the administration were involved in my doing so: Rove, Libby, the vice President, the President's chief of staff, and the president himself."
The end goal is MONEY. Pure and simple. It's like taking your car to the shop and the mechanic says, "every thing's fine, don't worry".
There's no money in the warming being a normal cycle. There's lots of money in claiming it's human caused and that we can do anything about it.
Money makes an easy yet unspoken bandwagon conspiracy work well.
And, Scott McClellan.
Let's see, suppose he had written a book, it says, "Things were great as a press secretary, Bush and Cheney are good guys, and the left is wrong about them". Not gonna get much publicity will it.
I'm suspecting there is much more smoke than fire here.
Let's wait and see what the whole book really says. I'm guessing all the drama is already on the plate. Sorry, I don't buy it.
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