Sunday, December 21, 2008

Jesus is NOT the ONLY way to Heaven....That's the message of our cuture today

Just in case you think I'm some sort of reactionary pushing against the new evangelical culture of today, in case you think this is all so much smoke without fire, I want you to see what Christopher Hitchens has written about Rick Warren. I have had issues with Rick Warren.

One he has stood firm on is the truth that Jesus is the Only way to Salvation.

It's a tough position to take, and the culture all around you hates you for taking it.

But, it's either true or we are all frauds who name the name of Jesus.

Here's what he wrote here in part:

That's all in a day's work for the wonderful world of the American evangelical community, and one wishes them all the best of luck in their energetic fundraising and their happy-clappy Sunday "Churchianity" mega-feel-good fiestas. However, do we want these weirdos and creeps officiating in any capacity at the inauguration of the next president of the United States?

It is a fact that Rick Warren, pastor of the Saddleback Church in Orange County, Calif., was present at a meeting of the Aspen Institute not long ago and was asked by Lynda Resnick—she of the pomegranate-juice dynasty—if a Jew like herself could expect to be admitted to paradise. Warren publicly told her no. What choice did he have? His own theology says that only those who accept Jesus can hope to be saved.

A president may by all means use his office to gain re-election, to shore up his existing base, or to attract a new one. But the day of his inauguration is not one of the days on which he should be doing that. It is an event that belongs principally to the voters and to their descendants, who are called to see that a long tradition of peaceful transition is cheerfully upheld, even in those years when the outcome is disputed. I would myself say that it doesn't need a clerical invocation at all, since, to borrow Lincoln's observation about Gettysburg, it has already been consecrated. But if we must have an officiating priest, let it be some dignified old hypocrite with no factional allegiance and not a tree-shaking huckster and publicity seeker who believes that millions of his fellow citizens are hellbound because they do not meet his own low and vulgar standards.

Now, this all from a man who is an atheist in spades. Why is he worried about if or when he might find salvation. I mean according to him there is no God. Why worry Chris? You'll be OK. Right. There is no heaven, no hell, no nothing, so when you die there's nothing to worry about. RIGHT?
Bailey Smith, one of the deputies of the late Jerry Falwell, claimed that "God almighty does not hear the prayer of a Jew," I was in complete agreement with him. This is because I do not believe that there is any supernatural supervisor who lends an ear to any prayer.

Or, is that nervousness I hear in all the big talk.

What're........wrong about all that.......

Hell is very dark, cold and lonely.

You'll have a long time to regret your choices.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hitchens's career, intelligence, and professional integrity extend so far beyond you its laughable to see you try to critique him. which i suppose is the same laughter you have when someone critiques your god. happy holidays! shalom!