Thursday, December 25, 2008

A Take on Three Kings and Jesus

I know, I Know. There is no evidence for there being three, they weren't actually kings, they weren't any wiser than anyone else, they never went to the manger in Bethlehem, the manger creche scenes are all wrong. I read the Bible too.

But there is a truth in the story that is profound and helpful at this time of year.

First two stories:
One is a friend of my Son Tim. John was lost in a bad storm near Minot ND. Couldn't find his way home. People in the car with him. He feared he might be stopped, stalled and not be found again except dead.

Suddenly, an old farmer type who apparently had driven up in some kind of vehicle knocked on the window. He said, "Are you lost" Yes said John. The man said. The man said follow me I'll get you back on the road. So, he said follow me, I'll walk you out. He walked ahead of the car for a ways, perhaps a mile and then waved them on. They turned onto a main road and began driving. It went find for a while, then all at once they realized they were lost once again. They knew their driveway was near, but they couldn't find it. If they drove past it they would not get turned around. Such is the nature of a blizzard in ND. In a quandary once again, once again a knock on the window. Same old man. Did he have a snowmobile? How did he find them once again? He told them, just follow me, It's only a few hundred yards. So, they did. Suddenly their mailbox came into view and they were safe. The man disappeared. John wanted to thank him. Since they were right where they wanted to be, John jumped out of the car to look for him. No vehicle. No snowmobile. No footprints from someone who had been there not a minute before. He was gone. Vanished. John believes an angel from God led him home. Of course there is a practical no supernatural explanation. Right? This is a man with an address and a phone number, John. You could verify it if you chose to.

Or how about this story about an angel appearing in a hotel corridor shortly before the remarkable recovery of a young woman. Angel? I don't know. I do know they believe so.

I mention all this because the story of the wise men has a message of hope missed by most.

Here's what we know for sure, the wise men knew of the prophecies in the Bible. They knew a king was about to be born. There was a manifestation in the constellations that indicated it was about to happen. So, they set out to follow the stars and seek for the new king.

It led them to Judea. They went to Herod and asked if he knew of this king's birth. Then they discover that the King was to be born in Bethlehem. Now, timing wise, this had already happened. Jesus had been born, perhaps a year or two before. The stars announced the event as it happened. They arrive after. Jesus, Mary and Joesph have already moved back to Nazareth.

So, how is it that a STAR led them. How did it lead them not to Bethlehem, but to where Jesus was as a toddler. It was the intention they had in Seeking the True King that caused God (now the rest is my opinion) to send an angel to lead them. He came as a shining star. Like the pillar of fire by night. This angel manifested himself as a bright star. They followed him from Bethlehem where they must have gone first since that was the prophecy. And of course the slaughter of the innocents (those two and under male children) in the city of David.

That angel star led them directly to and hovered over the house where Jesus lived. They came into the house and upon encountering the Manifestation of God in human form fell on their faces in worship. They gave him gifts of great value.

It was an encounter with God by the leading of Angels.

There are several references in the Bible where Angels are referred to as Stars. Revelation, Jesus says so, Isaiah 14. Many.

So, the word used as star and angel can be interchangeable. I would suggest that the star that led them to Jesus was in fact an angel.

They lead people. They led John. They led the mom and they led the Wise Men.

But then that's just my opinion. I like it. It's as good as anyone's.

The message of hope is this, If you seek Jesus with all your heart, God will even send Angels of all kinds to guide you to truth. I have known some.

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