Monday, January 26, 2009

I have seen the future, and it doesn't work

  • "UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE": Socialized medicine that will cost billions and introduce unprecedented waste, incompetence, and malpractice to American hospitals.

  • "ENVIRONMENTAL CARE": Climate-change hysteria and vastly expensive projects to conquer "global warming." You'll be made to feel anything less is un-American.

  • "MULTICULTURALISM": An immigration policy based on the lie that not allowing anyone into the U.S. is racist and that open borders prove our love for multiculturalism.

  • "SOCIAL JUSTICE": State-enforced "fairness" through policies that reward those who make no effort and punish the successful.

  • "ETHICAL FOREIGN POLICY": A powerless national security policy created because the left refuses to believe the truth - that terrorists have a violent, and homicidal hatred for our culture and will do anything to wipe it off the Earth.

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