Thursday, March 19, 2009

Balanced look at the Economy, Wilkerson, Pessimism and Fear

For a very well balanced view of the economy and your future you will be encouraged by this by Ray Pritchart.

He says:

We need to hear what God is saying to us because we do indeed live in difficult times. The worldwide global economic crisis has cost trillions of dollars in lost wealth. People who only a year ago had reasonable prospects for the future have seen a lifetime of hard work wiped out. And with the loss comes rising uncertainty.

A week ago New York pastor David Wilkerson (author of “The Cross and the Switchblade") issued a message predicting imminent catastrophe for America. He spoke of cities burning because of rioting and looting. This, he said, would be the judgment of God on our nation. I happened to read about his prophecy (if that’s what you want to call it) a day or so after he gave it. But I was struck hard when Peggy Noonan mentioned it in her weekly column in the Wall Street Journal. Under the title There’s No Pill for This Kind of Depression, Noonan begins by noting that the problem is not just the economic crisis. There is, she says, something much deeper.

I asked a friend, a perceptive writer, if he is seeing what I’m seeing. Yes, he said, there is “a pervasive sense of anxiety, as though everyone feels they’re on thin ice.” He wonders if it’s “maybe a sense that we’ve had it too easy in the years since 9/11 and that the bad guys are about to appear on the horizon.” An attorney in a Park Avenue firm said, “Things look like they have changed and may not come back.”

This is worth reading in full. He's making good sense.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe, just maybe, if God were REALLY to talk to us nowdays, he would find a way to make the message CRYSTAL clear. It would not be so vague and obtuse that it required TEN YEARS of funny feeling and disclaimers about when and what and where and how. Maybe, just maybe, ALL you "prophets" are making things happen in your own heads that reflect your own internal moods and views and God has absolutley nothing to do with it whatsoever at all. Maybe it OFFENDS God that people think this nonsense "prophets" are spewing is him talking. Or maybe it amuses him. But I am certain he doesn't think it is really him talking.