Monday, May 18, 2009

Democrats Are Twisted on Torture

Barack Obama can’t seem to get his story straight when it comes to what he thinks will jeopardize the safety and security of our country and our troops, and what will prove most fruitful when it comes to political expedience. Just weeks ago Obama sanctioned the release of classified memos that provided graphic detail on how CIA interrogations were conducted despite repeatedly insisting that “we should be looking forward and not backwards.” (Loosely translated: we’ll look back as often when we need to deflect political heat away from me and onto my predecessor).

Read the whole thing, It's really good.......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Still refusing to read the actual articles with the actual truth in them about whether ti does any good at all, aren't you? You think if you post it here, it makes it true? You think if you find others who share your ignorance and don't know the true science of it, that make your slanted view true? Does not. You are wrong and you are uninformed.